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Upside Down Blueberry Muffins and a Mother's Legacy

Blueberry muffins and legacy. Strange combination, right? Well, actually, not so much! In fact, food is definitely part of who we are, and this blog of family recipes has been so much fun to document that.

I've been questioning how to move forward with the blog now that Grant moved away to college. He's off to explore a new challenge! Yes, I know. I need to update you! And yes, the blog is continuing!! In fact, stronger than ever, because I've figured out the way forward. Legacy.

In August, among one of the world's weirdest years, Grant moved to Colorado to chase his dreams. He's so happy at college — masks, social distancing, and all. I was able to go move him in, and even though we had a blip of what I'm calling "Covid Craziness" (and a tiny quarantine that proved needless - phew!), he's off to a great start.

It's strange because I thought I'd be a puddle — for weeks. But really, I only had one tiny breakdown — and then I was okay, because he is so happy. It makes all the difference. And he calls me each week, so that helps, too.

As a reminder, Grant is NOT my only kiddo! But he's the one who accepted my challenge and I'm calling it a success. I also have my sweet and sassy Audrilyn - away at college. She's going to do terrific things. And then there is Mariel, Weston, and Russell — all amazing and also away at college! We have one left at home, and he's missing everyone but doing well.

So — the blog!! And legacy... As I've thought about how to continue, I've realized that Grant didn't want to cook a lot of the things I like to make. He also didn't always have time, so I didn't get everything taught that I wanted to. But all is not lost!! There will come a day when he wants to know how to make something familiar - and I know because Audrilyn texts me asking me how to make things quite often! And that is what made me think of how to continue — I'm going to continue making family favorites, yummy foods, and even try new things that I think sound delicious. This will be a storehouse of "how to" and all things yummy. Just like originally planned.

In the vein of legacy...

One of the things my mom made for me when I was growing up was upside-down blueberry muffins. They were such a treat and so yummy. When we'd see the wax paper come out, we knew what was coming. And we weren't disappointed.

My mom doesn't love to cook, but there are a few things she always made for us like homemade english muffins, upside-down blueberry muffins, and pie crust. These are her most "famous" recipes. In this post, I'll teach you how to make my version of her muffins.

We'll have to begin at the beginning, though, and that is in Maine. Because you can't have blueberries without talking about Maine! Okay, maybe you can, but why would you??

Maine is famous for delicious blueberries, and starting with them is the first great decision you can make when creating Upside-Down Blueberry Muffins.

The blueberries in Maine grow wild all over the place. When I was little, we'd go hiking and I was surrounded by blueberries. It wasn't until I was grown that I learned they could grow on upright bushes. I thought they only grew on the ground! Here is a picture of some wild blueberries on a mountain I grew up climbing.

Maine blueberries are much smaller than we generally buy at the store, but they are worth it. Once I found Wyman's Wild Blueberries, I always buy them so that I have the "real deal" in the freezer. In the picture below, you can see the difference in size between Maine blueberries and those you usually buy at the store. There's also another picture of blueberries growing wild on "my mountain."

So, what makes these blueberry muffins so special? They are upside-down!


And that is super fun. It's really easy to do, and they taste amazing!


They are best right out of the oven, so try to make them when you have a lazy morning ahead of you. They won't take long to make, though.

So, let's get started!

Begin by spraying a muffin pan with Pam cooking spray. This will help them release when you turn the muffins upside-down. Cream together softened butter and sugar — as they mix together you get a very fluffy mixture. Spoon a heaping teaspoon full of the butter/sugar mixture into each muffin area. Next you'll sprinkle the blueberries over the butter/sugar mixture. I used about 2-3 tablespoons of Maine blueberries for each muffin.

Next you make a simple muffin recipe. Measure flour, sugar, baking powder, and a bit of salt (I like to use pink Himalayan Salt) in a medium size bowl. Whisk it together so that all of the ingredients are incorporated.

Next measure the wet ingredients — milk, oil, egg, and a little vanilla. I use a fork to stir it all together.

Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, making sure not to over mix. Muffins are more tender if they are just mixed until the dry ingredients are incorporated.

Using a medium-sized ice cream scoop, place a scoop of batter onto the blueberry, butter, sugar mixture in the muffin tin. Spread it gently to mostly cover the blueberry mixture.

In my Chocolate Chip Muffin recipe, I explained how preheating the oven to 50 degrees higher than you need to bake muffins gives them a little boost. I turn the oven to the correct temperature as soon as I place them in the oven. While they cook, it looks like they are just flat — this is different than usual muffins! But do not worry, they are upside down, remember?

Bake them at 400 degrees for about 16 minutes - or until they are done. Use a toothpick in the center to check for doneness if you are not sure. Once you insert the toothpick, withdraw it and see if any batter remains on the toothpick. If it does, they are not quite ready. If not, take them out of the oven.

You want to place wax paper on your counter prior to taking them out of the oven. You will immediately turn them out of the pan — upside down — onto the counter. Be warned! This is messy! But worth it.

Rinse the pan right away so it is easier to clean. Once the muffins have cooled slightly, you can place them on a serving dish. The warm, delicious muffin will be tender, moist, and surrounded with yummy blueberry goodness. My husband says they are not upside-down, but rather inside out!

A Yummy Idea: Once I decided to try this as a coffee cake. I used a different batter (one that I'll share another time!) and made the butter sugar mixture with blueberries in a bundt pan. It was a fun experiment! Remember, don't take yourself too seriously baking. Enjoy the process, enjoy the product. And then make something new!

So what will your legacy be? What do you want to be sure to share with those you love? These questions are worthy of thought. I suggest thinking it over with a cup of coffee and an upside-down blueberry muffin or two!

Upside-Down Blueberry Muffins

1/4 cup softened butter

1 cup sugar

2 cups of Maine Blueberries (You can use any blueberry - even frozen. I just love the small Maine ones!)

1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour

1/3 cup sugar

2 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

3/4 cup milk

1/4 cup cooking oil

1 egg

1 tsp. of vanilla

Cream together the butter and sugar. Place a heaping teaspoon of the butter and sugar mixture into a muffin tin that has been sprayed with Pam. Sprinkle blueberries over the mixture.

Make the muffin batter: mix the dry ingredients together. Mix the wet ingredients together. Add the wet ingredients to the dry, mixing until just combined. Using an ice-cream scoop, place batter onto the blueberries. Spread gently over the mixture.

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Place the muffins in the oven and immediately reduce the temperature to 400 degrees. Bake for 14-16 minutes — or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Place a sheet of wax paper on the counter. When muffins are baked, immediately turn out onto the wax paper.

Cool slightly and enjoy!

Makes 12 muffins

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