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The Challenge

Updated: Sep 2, 2019

Where did the time go?

As I prepare to send my son off to college in one year, I want to spend this year with him doing something important. Something that will be valuable for years to come. So I decided to challenge him to learn to cook. And by cook, I mean more than make Ramen noodles. I want him to be able to make full meals, including breads and desserts. I want him to be able to make any recipe he comes across.

What could go wrong?

Well, first of all, he has no interest in cooking, and I was worried he'd reply with a challenge of his own! Would he challenge me learn cryptocurrency mining? Would I have to learn a new programming language? Or worse (for me), would he make me learn to play CS:GO?

His Response?

Thankfully, my challenge was met with acceptance and a caveat that sometimes he would be grumpy about it. He also reminded me that he is kinda busy - being his Senior year and all. But he was in! He would do it! And now I'm so excited to begin this journey with him.

I've seen his grumpy side before....and I'm not scared.

The Plan

I've been thinking about all of his favorite foods and how I can teach him to enjoy cooking them. I'm going to make sure he learns family recipes (like Cottage Pudding!), can handle himself in a kitchen, and that memories (good and bad) are made. I'm going to enjoy the fun and fiascos that will be inevitable, and then I'll share our results with you! You'll learn about our family (including 6 kids, 2 frogs, and 2 dogs), what makes us tick, and mostly about All. Things. Yummy.

If you get an idea for something Grant should learn to make, post it in the comments! He is up for anything (or so he says!).

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